The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm.
Board members present: Supervisors Sandberg, Varichak, Lucas, Clerk Schanche, Deputy Clerk Sandys,
Treasurer Samsa.
The minutes of the June meeting were read and approved.
Treasurers Report
On motion by Lucas, second by Varichak, the Treasurer’s Report was approved as read.
Fire Report
There were 3 fire calls and 3 EMS calls in June.
Building & Grounds & Roads
The fence at the ball field will be installed this week.
The roadside mowing is complete.
There are 35 children registered for the program.
The group will be going to Virginia 7-18-23, and to the Duluth Trampoline Park and Aquarium om 7-25-23.
New Business
Lenny Tylla had contacted Jim about installing no wake signs near his house.
Brian Moody was present to suggest that an addition to the Town Hall be looked at. A survey will be prepared to look at possible site upgrades.
Old Business
Marie Erickson presented the Board with pickle ball court options and estimated costs.
The correspondence was read.
Motion by Varichak, second by Lucas to approve the bills, motion carried.
The regular public meeting was recessed for a closed session for the Board to conduct employee reviews.
The regular meeting was reconvened at 9:00 pm.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:01 pm.