- Site is open from 8:00 AM to 10:00 PM. Site is closed at 10:00 PM.
- Camping is not allowed on this property.
- Campfires are not allowed. Use grills for cooking.
- Vehicles shall not be operated in excess of 10 MPH or in a reckless or careless manner. Unnecessary engine noise, skidding or sliding with vehicles is not allowed.
- All vehicles, including ATV’s, snowmobiles, motorcycles and bicycles must remain on roads or parking area and are not allowed on the grass or sliding hill.
- All litter is to be cleaned up by user and deposited in appropriate waste containers. Remember to recycle!
- All pets must remain on a leash, maximum of 6′ in length. Dogs are not allowed on ski trails.
- Pet waste must be immediately cleaned up by the pet owner or caretaker and deposited in an appropriate waste container.
- Hunting is not allowed on Town of French property.
- This is a family environment. Please refrain from using profanity.
- Alcoholic beverages are not allowed on Town of French property without prior authorization by the Town of French board.
- Use this facility at your own risk. Please be careful and enjoy your outdoor activities. Feel free to remind your fellow recreationists of these rules if you notice any violations.
- Emergency telephone is located by the front entrance of the community building. Dial 9-1-1 for Sheriff or Medical Emergencies.
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- Side Lake Rec Center
- Rec Center Day Use Rules