Minutes of the October 10, 2023 meeting

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm. Board members present: Supervisors Sandberg, Varichak, Lucas, Clerk Schanche, Deputy Clerk Sandys, Treasurer Samsa. The minutes of the September meeting were read and approved.

Treasurers Report

On motion by Lucas, second by Varichak, The Treasurer was directed to transfer $10,000 from the Road & Bridge savings to Road & Bridge checking. The Treasurer’s Report was approved as read.

Fire Report

There were 4 fire calls and 10 EMS calls in August, 1 fire call and 3 EMS calls in September.

The 2024 fire coverage contract for unorganized 59-21 with St Louis County was signed.


There were 6 rentals in September.

Road & Bridge

A culvert was replaced on Jaranson Road.

The County notified the Township that they will be proceeding to abandon Pickeral Lake Road. The County and the DNR will be at the November meeting to discuss the changes.

New Business

There was a discussion on the Columbarium. Rachel Bjur requested the Township purchase a second 48 unit columbarium for $19,476. The current niche reservations are getting full. On motion by Varichak, second by Lucas, to order a second columbarium. Motion carried.

Bob Havercamp was present to request new bocce ball score boards. A quote from Rasch Designs for $276, was presented. Motion by Varichak, second by Lucas, motion carried.

A quote was read from Side Lake Services to provide snowplowing for the Town Hall and the Fire Hall in the amount of $2500. Motion by Lucas, second by Varichak, to accept the quote, motion carried.

The correspondence was read. Motion by Varichak, second by Lucas to approve the bills, motion carried.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:16 pm.

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