The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm.
Board members present: Supervisors Sandberg, Varichak, Lucas, Clerk Schanche, Deputy Clerk Sandys,
Treasurer Samsa.
The minutes of the October meeting were read and approved.
Treasurers Report
The Treasurer’s Report was approved as read.
Fire Report
There were 3 fire calls and 5 EMS calls in September.
The 2024 fire coverage contract in the amount of $12,406.24 for Bearville Township was signed.
Old Business
Representatives from St. Louis County and MNDNR Parks were present to inform the Township of the intent to vacate Pickeral Lake Road. There is no platted right of way from McCarthy Beach Road to the Park boundary. The County only has a prescriptive easement which is the width of the existing road. The road passes through 2 private properties. The road is too narrow to allow snow removal or grading. Access to the Pickeral Lake area will be from the north on Ski Trail Road. The County will be meeting with the property owners and feel the process will be complete in approximately 2 years.
New Business
Motion by Sandberg, second by Varichak to send the form to RAMS nominating Julie Lucas for the Township representative to serve as a Board member. Motion carried with Lucas abstaining.
The correspondence was read.
Motion by Lucas, second by Varichak to approve the bills, motion carried.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 pm