Minutes of the June 7, 2022 meeting

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm.

Board members present: Supervisors Sandberg and Lucas, Clerk Schanche, Treasurer Samsa.

The minutes of the May meeting were read and approved.

As per MN Statute 367.03, a motion was made by Sandberg, seconded by Lucas, to appoint Alyssa Jerulle to the
vacant Supervisor office. The chairman asked the audience if anyone else was interested. Hearing none, the
Clerk, Sandberg, and Lucas voted to appoint Alyssa Jerulle as Supervisor.

As per MN Statute 367.12, the Clerk appointed Talia Sandys as Deputy Clerk.

Treasurers Report
On motion by Lucas, second by Sandberg, the Treasurer’s Report was approved as read.

Fire Report
There were 6 fire calls and 7 EMS calls in May.

The chloride application should be done in late June.

Two tires will be needed soon for the grader.

Recreation Report
The Rec program will run from June 14th through August 11th on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10:00-1:00.

PJ will look into the possibility of mosquito control spraying.

Old Business
After discussion, Supervisor Lucas will look into expanding road shoulders for pedestrian traffic.

Received quotes for changing the lights at the south side of the town hall and installing a fixture at the Pavilion.
*Safe-T Electric $1,380.00
*Little Sturgeon Electric $1,433.47
After reviewing the quotes, it was determined that the quote from Little Sturgeon Electric included the best description and cut sheets of the materials to be installed.
Motion by Sandberg, second by Lucas, to accept the quote from Little Sturgeon Electric. Motion carried.

New Business
The Lake Association requested a donation from the Township for stocking walleyes in all the lakes. The Clerk suggested that a formal request in writing be submitted. The Clerk will then check with the Minnesota Association of Townships attorney for statute limitations.

Motion by Sandberg, second by Lucas, to approve the liquor license applications for Bimbo’s and Riverside Inn. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Lucas, second by Sandberg, to approve the bills, carried unanimously.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 pm.

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