Minutes of the July 9, 2024 Meeting

The meeting was called to order at 7:02 pm.

Board members present: Supervisors Reini, Varichak, Clerk Schanche, Deputy Clerk Sandys, Treasurer Samsa.

The minutes of the June meeting were read and approved by a motion by Reini, second by Varichak, motion carried.

Treasurers Report
The Treasurer’s Report was approved as read with motion by Reini, second by Varichak, motion carried

Fire Report
There were 3 fire calls and 9 EMS calls in June.

Building & Grounds
There were 6 rentals in June. Maintenance crew busy with tree removal from the storm.

PJ will contact the DNR about removing problem trees on Snake Trail Road.

Recreation Report
There are 40 registered children in the program.

Agreed to purchase a bench for the tennis court.

Old Business
The Board tabled the quotes for surveying the Sunset Lane survey.

After discussion, a motion was made by Reini, second by Varichak to approve the Township Employee Manual.

After discussion, the Clerk was directed to request quotes to remove the large tree on Libke Road.

New Business
Motion by Varichak, second by Reini to hold the August Board meeting on Wednesday August 14th due to Primary Elections on the 13th.

Received a letter from Mr. Briski requesting the Board to contact the County about the ill repair at 12824 North Bay Trail. After discussion, a motion was made by Varichak, second by Reini to write a letter to the County Planning and Zoning about the problem. Motion carried.

A quote was received from Jerulle Construction to mow all the Township road shoulders. Motion by Reini,
second by Varichak to accept the quote for $3850. Motion carried.

The correspondence was read.

Motion by Reini, second by Varichak to approve the bills, motion carried.

Motion by Reini, second by Varichak to adjourn at 7:47. Motion carried.

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