The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm.
The minutes of the June meeting were read and approved.
The Treasurers report was approved as read.
The County sign policy will be used as the Township policy. Two speed limits signs will be installed on Pine Tree Road. The roadside mowing will be done in July.
Fire Report
There was 1 Fire call and 4 EMS calls in June.
Old Business
The MPCA and Teracon have been contacted to obtain records for the existing community well flow design. Teracon has no flow design information. Bill is waiting for information from the MPCA.
New Business
Received 3 quotes for painting of the Township buildings
EH Lawerence
Don Werland
Carpenters Painting
Post Office Painting
Town Hall/Rec Building
A motion was made, seconded and carried to accept the quote from Carpenters Painting for a total of $18,140.
DeeDee Antonelli was present asking what can be done to reduce the traffic Speed on Sturgeon Road. The Board suggested she contact the County Highway Engineer for assistance.
The bills were approved.
The meeting adjourned at 7:56 PM.