The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm.
Board members present: Supervisors Reini, Varichak, Lucas, Clerk Schanche, Deputy Clerk Sandys, Treasurer Samsa.
The minutes of the March meeting were read and approved by a motion by Varichak, second by Reini, motion carried.
Treasurers Report
The Treasurer’s Report was approved as read. Motion by Reini, second by Varichak to transfer $20,000 from general savings to general checking. Motion carried.
Fire Report
There was 1 fire call and 2 EMS calls in March.
The Board will conduct the annual road review on April 18th at 9:00.
Old Business
After discussion, motion was made by Varichak second by Reini to deny the $5000 IRRRB grant for the
pickleball court. Motion by Reini, second by Varichak to approve the liquor license application to the County for Bimbo’s Octagon.
New Business
There was no new business.
The correspondence was read. Motion by Varichak, second by Reini to approve the bills, motion carried.
The meeting was recessed at 7:50 to conduct employee reviews. The meeting was reconvened at 8:23.
Motion by Reini, second by Varichak to adjourn at 8:24.