Since the majority of residents in French Township do not get mail delivered to their homes, the census in this area is conducted under the Census Bureau’s Update/Leave method. This operation is designed to leave a questionnaire package at every identified housing unit.
The operation was originally scheduled to begin in the middle of March, but due to concerns over COVID-19, the operation is now rescheduled to start on April 15th. Unless another delay occurs, residents in the Town of French should start receiving the questionnaire shortly thereafter.
Residents can also:
- Self-respond via the internet at the following website:
- When completing the questionnaire online, it will ask for a 12-digit code. This code is on the Census form that is to be delivered to homes. Residents can self-respond without the 12-digit code, but it is preferable to respond using the code.
Call Census Questionnaire Assistance, 1-844-330-2020 to complete the questionnaire over the phone.
If residents do not respond, they should receive a visit from a Census Enumerator during Non-Response Follow-Up Operations that are scheduled between April and July.